Martha Stewart vs. the IFEN Installation

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Thu June 05 2003, 10:06 AM
Martha Stewart vs. the IFEN Installation
Is it just me or does this whole Martha Stewart thing seem a bit blown out of proportion when you consider that her impropriety didn't result in the death and destruction of human life? The prosecutors will indict you for inside trading but seem to ignore it when individuals have greedily put their own financial gain ahead of human beings safety as was the case in sr111.

I'm not suggesting that Martha Stewart should get away with the charges she will be facing but that our court systems are limited and perhaps the prosecutors should focus on serious crimes especially those that result in the death and destruction of PEOPLE.

As Mark has wisely observed, the individuals involved in this scandal of sr111 exhibited 'a pattern of threading their way through loophole after loophole.' They should have to answer for their actions.