Old Posts From sr111 'Club'

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Thu April 25 2002, 09:11 AM
Old Posts From sr111 'Club'
Just wanted to point out that the old messages starting from 1998 that were posted on the sr111 board are still archived (at least last time I checked), at for anyone that is interested.
Thu May 05 2011, 10:28 AM
Stuart McCallum
We wish to donate a Joseph Purcell painting of North West Cove from where fishing boats were among the first responders to the accident. This painting has been in our family for over 60 years and suggest families of lost members flt 111 auction the work and proceeds to supplement funds for further gatherings. Although some of Joseph Purcell (note Nova Scotian artist)sell for $ 2,000. Our painting is smaller. If an email address is supplied we will forward two pictures

Stuart McCallum
Thu May 05 2011, 07:28 PM
That is very nice of you Stuart, but I'm not sure who you should contact? Maybe the local Canadian government in Nova Scotia?
