If anyone from Switzerland is following this site...

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Mon October 25 2004, 05:24 PM
If anyone from Switzerland is following this site...
I wondered if there was anything new regarding charges against Andre Dose, the CEO of Crossair?
Mon October 25 2004, 05:26 PM
Here is an article about what I'm referring to in the above post:

Former Crossair CEO Dose Named In Crash Probe
March 12, 2004
Former Crossair chief Andre Dose is under investigation for manslaughter by culpable negligence as part of a probe into a Crossair jet crash in 2001 which killed 24 people, the prosecutor's office said on Friday.

Dose, who stood down this week as chief executive of Swiss International Air Lines, was identified in a statement by the Federal Attorney General's office along with two other managers of now-defunct regional airline Crossair.

The plane operated by Crossair -- one of the forerunners of Switzerland's troubled national airline Swiss -- crashed into a snow-covered hillside near Zurich Airport in November 2001 and burst into flames, killing 24 people including the pilot.

The prosecutor's office said it had widened its probe into the crash to include Crossair's former chief executive and one-time chief of operations (Dose), the chief of operations at the time of the crash and the chief pilot trainer.

All three are suspected of manslaughter and bodily harm through culpable negligence. The former director of the Swiss Civil Aviation Authority (BAZL) would also be investigated for the same reasons, the office said.

A report into the crash by the Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau said the pilot had been tired and the crew had not co-operated properly. It said managers at Crossair had failed to act on "weaknesses" in the pilot's flying career.

Dose, who became chief executive of Swiss when the national carrier was created in 2002 out of the remnants of collapsed Swissair and regional carrier Crossair, quit unexpectedly on Wednesday.

Dose said then that the prosecutor's office had not yet contacted him, but he denied any allegations of wrongdoing.
Mon November 01 2004, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by BF:
I wondered if there was anything new regarding charges against Andre Dose, the CEO of Crossair?

Hi, since being from Switzerland, I thought I'd reply to your question. No, there are no news regarding charges against André Dosé. Though rumours were spreading that this might have been the reason why he left (or had to leave?) Swiss, of course nothing in that direction was said officially.
In the meantime he published a book about his time as CEO at Swiss, the end of Swissair and the airline industry in general: Sturmflug
(sorry, it's in German)
If I'll hear any more news here in Switzerland, I'll let you know.
Mon November 01 2004, 02:38 PM
Mel, Thanks very much for letting me know. I would appreciate any updates that you can provide. Have you read this book? I'm amazed that Dose would be investigated but Bruggisser formerly CEO of swissair, was not except maybe in terms of the finances that caused the airline to go under. I would have thought in light of the TSB investigation, the prosecutors in Switzerland would have looked at all swissair management (and the board) and what led to the decision to buy the IFEN, under a microscope. That whole deal has a bad odor about it and I'm very disheartened that Switzerland has chosen to ignore it. Btw my own country (US) promised an investigation into the individuals that were involved in this seedy entertainment system but also seem to have decided not to pursue it. Thanks again for responding.