AVweb libel

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Fri July 19 2002, 08:50 AM
AVweb libel
Aviation attorney, Arthur Alan Wolk sued AVweb and certain of their subscribers for libel. One of Mr. Wolk's complaints was that AVweb did not supervise their chat room to prevent libelous comments about him being published by their subscribers. Quite an apology issued by AVweb.
Barbara..see other
Fri July 19 2002, 12:57 PM
Cecil, I had heard about this sometime ago regarding the aviation attorney Wolk vs.AVWEB. I checked the AVweb site and it looked as though a couple of the posters attacked his background and accomplishments if I remember correctly from the posts and there were some nasty exchanges between them. I guess it would be best to avoid expressing my opinion about this one- not that anyone asked!

Fri July 19 2002, 07:40 PM
Barbara...I agree, caution is the best course. Libel is a nasty business, and I have worried about some of the postings that have appeared before. I think, all in all, everyone has behaved fairly well. Did you see the apology AVweb posted...quite lengthly, and smells of legal seasoning.
Fri July 19 2002, 10:28 PM
Unfortunately I think I may have deleted it from my email. Dare I say it isn't my favorite publication so I rarely read it? I have a feeling it must have been pretty interesting...
