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Moderators: BF, Mark Fetherolf
A long time ago, we had an extensive discussion about the word 'closure' in reference to the loss of family members or friends on the old sr111 board. I was listening to Aaron Brown tonight on CNN news doing an interview with a man that had just written a book about Flight 93 and the word 'closure' was briefly discussed. Aaron Brown though he didn't give an explanation stated that the word had been banned from the program. I can't speak for other people but I know from my own experience 'closure' is not possible when one loses a child. Almost 4 years later I still can't believe my daughter had to go through the horror of Sept. 2nd, 1998 and that she is gone forever. This kind of senseless tragedy destroys every aspect of one's life. It is good to see that the press is catching on to just how insensitive this word is.
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