Interesting Old Thread- sr111 Pilots

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Sat April 27 2002, 01:59 AM
Interesting Old Thread- sr111 Pilots
Excerpt From Thread:

"Friend of mine did an MD11 course with Swissair, (before the SR111 accident), he says
they are absolutely OBSESSED about fuel-dumping, not landing over-weight etc.
regardless of the nature of the emergency.
Just passing on a first-hand tale.
posted 26 January 1999 16:39 UTC

Good tale Methusalah. It sure explains a lot things being reported. I expect the
lawyers at Swissair are running the show at the present time in hopes of stonewalling
the impending lawsuits.
lammergeier "
posted 26 January 1999 17:22 UTC

For entire thread please see: