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Korean Airlines Introduces On-Board Stun Guns
From an article:

Taser International Inc. will employ its electric stun guns on Korean Airlines, which becomes the first commercial carrier to win U.S government approval to use the devices to defend flights gainst hijackings and other threats, officials said yesterday.

The Homeland Security Department's Transportation Security Administration approved KAL's application in October to equip aircraft flying into or over the United States with the stun guns made by Scottsdale, Arizona based Taser.

KAL has already purchased the devices, which it in turn will use on its roughly 50 weekly flights into and out of the U.S.

Taser shares rose as much as 22 percent in trading yesterday on the Nasadq.

Taser stun guns use a non lethal electrical charge to subdue probelmatic individuals, and in the case of KAL, the stun guns will be deployed to offset troublesome passengers.

End of article excerpt.

My my, this is what commercial flying has come to, although I cannot feign surprise at this announcement. It was a matter of "when", not "if". As understated as this may sound, a lot has changed since I flew the skies as a flight attendant. I flew for my carrier from 1985-1990, and it really was a whole different world then. I still continue to travel the globe for business and pleasure, and I find myself more often than not actually dreading my flights, which, for a lover of flying such as I is saying a lot.

Stun guns, iris scanners at airports, mandatory fingerprinting and photographs at U.S entry points for certain nationalities, cabin crew self-defence training courses, air rage growing by leaps and bounds, over congested airports that are understaffed by unrul, obnoxious airline and security staff, airlines cutting back on fresh air supplies on-board (more recycled air = germ warfare for the pax and crew), overcrowded cabins, the erosion of on-board services, the daily threats of horrific terrorism,.......and on and on it goes.

Welcome, fellow travellers and crews. Welcome to this Brave New World.

They can introduce stun guns for on-board safety, but "they" still cannot stick their proverbial heads out of the sand and address the urgent need to eliminate Kapton wiring from civil aircaft and implement the necesary ratifications to the archaic and deadly laws and policies which govern civil transport.

Let's re-write that old 60's song "Where Have All The Flowers Gone", shall we?

Where has all the safety gone?
Long time passing
Where has all the safety gone?
Long time ago
Where has all the safety gone?
Congress has killed it, everyone
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?"

Where has all the logic gone?
Long time passing
Where has all the logic gone?
Long time ago
Where has all the logic gone?
Straight out of senate chambers, one and all
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the ethics gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the ethics gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the ethics gone?
Sure as hell aint Washington
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where have all the victims gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the victims gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the victims gone?
Out of the arms of loved ones, everyone
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

We have to stay enlightened, and angry. These two elements serve as the needed fuel in which to combat the coalition of the ignorant and apathetic.

Safe travels, everyone.
Posts: 27 | Location: Toronto, Canada | Registered: Tue September 02 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I hate flying now. To me it has become nothing short of torture. From before Tara was born until her death I loved to fly also. After 9/11 it became nearly intolerable. I can't even count the times I've been 'inspected' etc., and I really have grown to resent it considering my concern is aircraft safety. My daughter has also gone through the same thing as has my over 75 yr old mother. Mark and I have gone back to driving very long trips just to avoid it. We can't possibly be the only ones doing that. 'Brave new world' is a good description of the way things have gone in the last few years.

Good song and so true! Safety has been put on the back burner now that we have these thugs that want to blow up airliners and now all the attention is on security. I shudder to think about all the mechanical problems that are being ignored.

Posts: 2584 | Location: USA | Registered: Sun April 07 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Barbara, your 75 year old mother has been subjected to searches/interrogations? A 75 year old? Good God. Flying itself is an ordeal and is exhausting for anyone, but for an elderly pax it's even more so, and to top it off, she has to endure THAT on top of crowds and delays, etc.? Ohhh, I could think of some choice words and phrases to use here, but you are a lady, so I'll refrain. :-)

I too have been the "victim" of needless questioning in reagrds to the way they were handled so unprofessionally, the idiotic questions, excessive searches (but...but...HE just searched me 2 minutes ago!) and obnoxious security staff. But, in order to get where I'm going, I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut and remain calm, which, for an Irish tempered guy like me, is not the easiest thing to do. I often wonder, do they really think these policies/procedures are helping to curb/eradicate potential terrorists? Come ON, people! Give me a break. What idiot would possibly answer "yes" to the inane questions that any 4 year old would know to respond with a nay. Ahh, it's here in Canada, too.

Europe is far more on the ball re security screening/staff training than North America.
Very well organized and very professional.
Then again, they've been dealing with terrorism for so long now that they have their policies and procedures and the execution of them down to a fine art. I cannot recall once being
needlessly "handled" at any European airport.

What floors me is that today, in 2004, and for years prior, I (and other Canucks and Euros I know) have actually been asked by U.S customs/immigration "Are you, or have you ever been in any way affiliated with the Communist Party?" Huh? There were at least two occasions where I had to suppress laughing out loud, and with one smart-a**, I came so close to giving a smart-a** comeback line, but wisely refrained from doing so. Ohhh, but let me tell ya, I've been sooooo tempted.

Aye yi yi, what are ya gonna do? *throwing my hands in the air*

Well, Barbara, I'm off this site for a long spell (I sent you an e-mail; I hope you receive it okay). I want to thank you and Mark for allowing me to come on here and express my personal ideas and opinions, and it's been enriching for me to be enlightened by the wonderful, intelligent and thought provoking posts you both have placed on here. I'm sky bound to points all over. I cheer myself up in regards to my travels by thinking of all the hotel mini soaps, shampoos, conditioners and skin creams I can add to the HUGE wicker basket in my bathroom. I have given up on hotel towels, as somehow, the maids KNOW what's missing when they clean your room! Damn them. LOL. Now, if that's the impetuous that gets me out the door and on-board a flight, that's pathetic, huh? *wink*

Ciao for now.

Kind regards from a frustrated Gypsy
Posts: 27 | Location: Toronto, Canada | Registered: Tue September 02 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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"Are you, or have you ever been in any way affiliated with the Communist Party?" Huh? There were at least two occasions where I had to suppress laughing out loud, and with one smart-a**, I came so close to giving a smart-a** comeback line, but wisely refrained from doing so. Ohhh, but let me tell ya, I've been sooooo tempted.

Now that's pretty funny! Sounds just a bit dated. I thought that sort of question died with Herbert Hoover.

As far as my mother goes, she is actually 77 and amazingly vibrant. She puts my sister and I to shame with her energy level. For that matter, people far younger than her would have trouble keeping up with her pace! It really is appalling that they would constantly be harassing her while she passes through security. It makes absolutely no sense at all.

I hope that you will post again when you return. It's been great having you on the site. Have a wonderful trip.

Posts: 2584 | Location: USA | Registered: Sun April 07 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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