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Just Checkin In
Hey Barb, how are things on your end?

Things are going ok at work, had a bit of a problem there the other day but it got straitened out. I'm too stubborn, just like my father. That's what the problem is. Wink

Also I've started looking in to conquering my fear of flying. I still have little faith in the FAA, but I decided that I don't want fear to rule me and to make me miss out on all the places I want to explore. My dream vacation to Las Vegas would be a lot more practical if I could fly. So I've joined a fear of flying board and am looking in to enrolling in a free online program. I don't know if I ever explained to you where my fear of flying stems from, but everyone who's afraid to fly has a different reason. For me, I have the most common affliction: I don't like the thought of giving up control, even if that control is only an illusion. Also when people compare car crashes and plane crashes they always say car crashes are much more likely, but in a car you can always have the driver stop and get out. You can't do that in a plane.

I think I showed you the picture of me before I flew a cessna, and on that flight I was fine. I do actually love everything about flying. (well, except turbulence)

Anyway, I hope this revelation doesn't upset you at all. I don't know if you've noticed but I frequently don't know what to say to you because I'm afraid I might drudge up some memory that will upset you.

Anyway, that's what's up with me right now.

"Those Who Don't Learn From The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It."
Posts: 188 | Registered: Sun July 09 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Murray, I'm so glad to hear things are okay for you! Things are alright here. Unfortunately, winter has finally settled in here in PA, but I knew that was inevitable! I'm already looking forward to spring.

Murray, it is very nice of you to be sensitive to being careful of what you are saying, but it really isn't necessary. I'm a mess over Tara's death, and that probably will never change, but you never even come close to offending me. In fact, I'm really glad that you care enough to visit this site. You have a big heart and have expressed that with your kind words, many times.

I'm happy that you are rethinking your feelings about flying. I do understand the loss of control feeling you get, and think you will probably conquer it eventually. Here's hoping that you do get to travel to the places that you want to see. It's almost impossible to do that if you don't fly these days!

Keep me updated on your progress towards your goal! With your love of flying, and your desire to see other places, I think you can do this!

Thanks for being so nice,
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Yeah, some people like parts of winter. Not me, I positively loathe it and if I could afford it and I could get the visa I'd move to Vegas in a heartbeat. (Vegas is my dream town by the way, always something interesting to do.)

I'm excited today about my Football team, the New England Patriots. I dunno if you follow football or not but they're playing in the AFC Championship today which if they win they go to the Superbowl. They're playing against our most hated rivals, the Indianapolis Colts. The thought of the Colts getting to the Superbowl quite literally makes me want to vomit. They're just the most classless organization. (Well save perhaps The FAA) I've ever seen.

If you'd like to follow my progress in my Fear of Flying journey go here. My username there is MrWolfe (I'm a big CSI Miami fan)

"Those Who Don't Learn From The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It."
Posts: 188 | Registered: Sun July 09 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hi Murray! Can't say I blame you for wanting to live in a warmer climate. I haven't been to Vegas in years, but there is a lot to do there. A ton of people seem to move to Vegas when they retire. I think the cost of living might be reasonable. Florida is starting to appeal to me again, as Phila. weather seems to be deteriorating! Of course, NC had pretty crappy weather in the winter too. There were a few ice storms during the short time I lived there.

As far as the Patriots go, my brother-in-law and nephew are both huge fans! Since I visit NE a lot, I hear plenty about how they are doing! Hope they do okay!

I'll check out your progress! Thanks for sending the link, and good luck! Hope to hear that you are planning that trip to Vegas soon!

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Murray, I just checked out the comments. Are you satisfied with the responses you are getting, so far?

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Not really, but I've been to three different FoF groups and quite frankly they all suck. They're too adversarial, and they don't offer up enough support. I mean confrontation can be an important part of healing, but they seem to skip past the "gaining trust" part.

Like, if you had a problem would you be more likely to accept advise on it and maybe even constructive critisism from someone you just met or someone you knew and trusted?

Also, it seems like this one in particular is just there to sell the product. Notice how most of the original replies "reccommended" buying SOAR?

"Those Who Don't Learn From The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It."
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Also, it seems like this one in particular is just there to sell the product. Notice how most of the original replies "reccommended" buying SOAR?


There has to be a better way of dealing with this problem than through these online groups. I think the internet unfortunately, encourages people to be rude and say things they wouldn't normally if they were dealing with an individual face to face. That's what's happening there and probably in the other forums you've been on. I hope you are able to find some useful help to overcome your fears. It doesn't appear that you will get it on that site.

Posts: 2584 | Location: USA | Registered: Sun April 07 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Murray, I don't know if you are around but I thought this was interesting from that site you are on- not that we didn't already know this.

It makes perfect sense but what I'll never understand, is why putting my daughter on a non-stop flight on an airline with a good safety record, wasn't enough. Unfortunately I know the answer, but I always go back to that.

There is really no way to know if that plane you are boarding truly is safe. I didn't know that the 'entertainment' was deadly, or even about the mylar insulation. For that matter at that point in my life, I had no idea that the FAA was basically an organization to promote the airlines- I actually thought they protected passengers.
Posts: 2584 | Location: USA | Registered: Sun April 07 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yeah, I hear ya %100 Barb. Still, I do want to go places in my life, and although I am weary about it I'd like to get to the point where I "can" fly. I doubt I'll ever feel as safe as someone who doesn't know as much as we do. Ignorance truly can be bliss in these cases, well as you found out until what you don't know hurts you.

I think I'm getting to the point where I can get on a plane, I saw the odds of being killed in a plane crash are like 52.6 million to 1. Contrast that with about 50,000 to 1 for my pop getting 5 out of 6 numbers on the lottery he's played all his live (which he's never done, got 5 #s I mean) and I can accept that risk. My fear isn't dying so much as it's the helplessness I'd feel in the moments up until I died. Just sitting there in the seat with nothing to do but either scream or cry or think "Hey I'm gonna die." In fact In those moments I'd actually wish for death to come quicker, but that's just me.

Anyway, an update on my life. I've seen Windows Vista come out and I trust Microsoft even less than I trust the FAA. So I'm trying to make the jump to Linux. For someone who has used PCs and therefore Microsoft Operating Systems for almost my entire life it's not an easy jump, but I think I'll be better off in the end. I'm never going to completely rid myself of Microsoft, because some of the games I enjoy playing you can't play on anything but Windows, but I aim to eliminate it as much as possible. Work is going ok, though my laziness is creeping in and I find myself not wanting to get out of bed to go in. Wink But when I get there I'm fine.

How are things on your end?

"Those Who Don't Learn From The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It."
Posts: 188 | Registered: Sun July 09 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Murray, I hope you do get to go places soon! You're so young, and you should be doing some traveling! I believe that you will work this out, but probably the solution will come from yourself, if that makes any sense. I wish you the best with that. Keep me posted on your progress.

Good luck with linux! I also find Windows aggravating, but that's what I have for now.

Things aren't going too well here unfortunately. My mother has been admitted to the hospital for severe stomach cramps and I am extremely worried about her. I really hope that this doesn't turn out to be something awful. She wants to go to Florida at the end of March, and I really hope she gets to do that.

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Aw Barb that ain't no good, I hope things work out.

I don't know about you but for me January just flew by. I barely realize it's 2007 and already we're in February.

"Those Who Don't Learn From The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It."
Posts: 188 | Registered: Sun July 09 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Murray, You're right, it definitely isn't good. She's been extremely sick and had to have very major emergency surgery yesterday. Here's hoping she turns around soon.

Yes I know what you mean about this month flying by. I guess the good part about that is that it won't be long until it's spring.

How is the job going?

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Murray, Just a quick update on my mom. She survived the surgery and is sitting up today sipping on gingerale! Here yesterday we were worried (believe me so was the surgeon!) that she wouldn't make it through this surgery, and today she is again talking about her upcoming trip to Florida! Just bizarre! We're all so relieved and keeping our fingers crossed that no other complications arise.
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That's great to hear Barb, I just hope the good luck continues until she's stable, unfortunatly I know how fast things can turn around in to the opposite direction.

"Those Who Don't Learn From The Past Are Doomed To Repeat It."
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Thanks Murray. I know exactly what you mean, and to tell you the truth, I'm pretty worried about that. She's 79 and this surgery was pretty radical, especially after all she's been through over the past year with her health.
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Murray, Just to let you know- my mother made it to Florida!


P.S. Anything new with your attempts to fly?
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